4225 Easton Avenue Bethlehem, PA 18020 | 610-814-6400
Bethlehem Township

Police - Accreditation Program

Bethlehem Township Police Department The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association introduced the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Program in 2001. Since that date, only a small percentage of the police agencies in Pennsylvania have been able to claim such a prestigious certification.

To be awarded accreditation status by the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accrediting Commission an agency must undergo a rigorous process which involves application, self-assessment, development of internal policy, systematic implementation of change, training of personnel, and proof of compliance in conformance with established professional standards and objectives. Finally, when ready, a formal on-site assessment is conducted by three representatives of the commissioning board. During the formal assessment, an on-site examination takes place. The examination is thorough and involves the review of facility accommodations, uniforms and equipment, written policy and operating procedure, and agency files to ensure compliance with the 139 established accreditation standards.

The Bethlehem Township Police Department received its official certification of accreditation from the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission in 2013. To maintain accredited status, the Department must be reassessed every three years to assure we are maintaining the professional standards set by the commission. The Department has proudly maintained and received re-certification in 2016, 2019 and in 2022.

The accreditation program is not static in nature. It is an ongoing and dynamic process. To maintain accreditation certification an agency must remain in compliance with established standards, must continually train its personnel in accordance with the requirements, and it must remain up-to-date with all policy, procedure, standard and statute changes. To ensure that this is taking place, the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission requires certified agencies to comply with annual reporting criteria which details related activities.

To our agency the overall message is clear; by seeking, obtaining and maintaining accreditation certification our personnel proudly signal that we will provide exemplar police service to the public we protect and serve. It is our commitment to prove and maintain adherence to established best practices that reflect we are a professional and progressive law enforcement agency.

Sergeant Mark Conway is currently assigned as the Bethlehem Township Police Department Accreditation Manager and can be reached at mconway@bethlehemtownship.org

© Bethlehem Township

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